
What Is 1/3 As Decimal

i/three a decimal is 0.33333…

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In the fraction 1/three , the number i is

  • Numerator
  • Denominator
  • Decimal
  • Fraction

In the fraction 1/3 , the number 3 is

  • Numerator
  • Denominator
  • Decimal
  • Fraction

What is the equivalent fraction to i/3?

  • three/18
  • 3/9
  • 6/nine
  • nine/28

What is the equivalent fraction to one/3?

  • 6/27
  • four/15
  • five/15
  • two/viii

Gary ate one piece of his cake that was cut in iii. How can he write the quantity of cake he had every bit a decimal?


The way of representing a part of something is chosen fractions. Fraction helps to denote the values that are not whole numbers.

Example: One function out of ii or 'half' is represented as $$\frac12$$.

Similarly, all values that are not whole numbers can be represented as fractions. Fractions can besides exist used to stand for whole numbers.

Boost your score Gary ate one piece of his cake that was cut in three. How can he write the quantity of cake he had as a decimal? img1

Hither the fraction for 'one piece out of three' is represented as 'i out of three' or $$\frac13$$.

Fractions tin also be written in decimal form using the decimal point to separate the whole numbers and the partial numbers.

The long division method is used to convert fractions to decimals by dividing the numerator by the denominator.

1 over 3 as a decimal

It can be seen that the quotient is started with a decimal signal (0.) then that we tin add together 0 to one to make it divisible by 3.

The sectionalization gives the same balance 1 in each step of division, hence the answer has the digit 3 repeating infinitely.

The respond can exist written as 0.33… or as  $$\mathbf0\boldsymbol.\overset{\boldsymbol¯}{\mathbf3}$$.


Here are some common terms you should be familiar with.

  • In the fraction $$\frac13$$, the number 1 is the dividend ( our numerator )
  • The number iii is our divisor ( our denominator) .

Observe More Fractions to Decimals

You may be interested in what is 1/12 as a decimal fraction?

What Is 1/3 As Decimal,


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